RICA Domain: Planning Reading Instruction based on Assessment
RICA Competency: Planning, Organizing, and Managing Reading Instruction
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Any Additional Descriptors: Mainstream with three ELL Students

Mrs. X also has a very engaging and motivating classroom. Her classroom is full of age-appropriate books, a full class library, a listening center, and student work such as paintings and drawings related to their reading are hung throughout the classroom. This past week, Mrs. X read Rosie the Hen, to her students. She read the book with enthusiasm and excitement which gets the students very intrigued and interested in the story. After the book was over they were able to paint their own “Rosie” and hang it on the wall. This allows the students to reflect on the days reading and brings so much community and color to the classroom. Mrs. X reads aloud daily to her students which allows the children and EL learners to grasp the excitement in story telling and books. She also has listening centers which children partake in daily. This is extremely important, not only for the english speaking children in the class, but for the EL learners to continuously hear the english language while following along in a book.
As mentioned, Mrs. X, has a very engaging classroom that motivates students to want to read. Along with her amazing library full of age-appropriate books, she also has a personal listening center which allows her students even more reading time during centers. She hangs student-made art work around the classroom that models key topics from the story they just read. She also has every letter of the alphabet bordered around the room, promoting more reading and understanding.
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